Student Participation Information | Celebrate Carroll

Why present at Celebrate Carroll?

  • Gain valuable experience presenting professional, academic material
  • Help build an application for admission to graduate school
  • Share your scholarly work with family and friends
  • Enhance presentation skills
  • Build your résumé

What should I present?

  • This academic showcase encourages presentations from all disciplines.
  • Presentations can be in these formats:
  • Past presentations have included:
    • Capstone presentations
    • Senior art exhibition
    • Study abroad presentations
    • Pioneer Scholars presentations

How do I become involved?

  • The majority of students present as part of a course. You are responsible for registering your presentation.
  • Submit one registration per presentation. This means presentation groups should nominate one person to complete the registration for the group.
  • Please be aware that we will use information EXACTLY as it is submitted. We will not edit the information.
  • There is always a possibility that a presentation time may overlap a class time. We ask that presenters consider this factor when registering and discuss their involvement with their instructors.
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